Labels:crt screen | earth | newspaper | person | road | sidewalk | sky | stairs | windowpane OCR: Macintosh I1 Portrait Display Video Card and Expansion Kit Overvieu Features Bene! fits The Macinlosh Poitrait Display 5ceot :t one tune Cifers gaaling for enhankrg video C.ard prenides the intcrace hics age: 1 ccnents. between the Apple Macintosh -1 bit expansion L-il Inceuses sthedlisp.ay capa.Lilny w 10 gray Portrait Display pur the Macintosh evels computer. It allows for true griy- scaling. displaying as fou Adjr:srabls display sclct 2 Lets -i,or LINe 1: gry the lercls Cootnl Panel t levels of gray at the same tine The optional vacintosh U compatibk Pluirs ir:l) Maintost Il ot. Video Card Exparsion Kit can in stf corfiguring. crease the display capabilties [[-171] capahilitv Provides interlacec rideo oupur compatible YOUI portrait display to 16 gray wrich nany types of video cquipment. ...